Rooted in love & justice.

The Rooted Doula Collective is a collaborative community of Black doulas residing on the ancestral lands of the O’odham and Piipash, also called the state of Arizona. We are dedicated to loving on our community by offering full-spectrum doula support to Black folks.

As a collective, we are committed to reproductive justice - a Black feminist-led movement that seeks to end the conditions that block our human rights to 1) not have children, 2) to have children under the conditions we choose, and 3) to parent our children in safe and sustainable communities. We center autonomy, informed consent, education, and pleasure. Our vision is of strong and resilient Black communities in Arizona that are supported throughout their lifetime in safe and autonomous reproductive experiences including menstruation, pregnancy, miscarriage, abortion, stillbirth, birth, lactation, infant loss, postpartum, gender-affirming care, and hysterectomies.

Our Collective has been growing the roots of our doula work for years. We are guided by a love ethic, which inspires our devotion to “care, affection, recognition, respect, commitment and trust, as well as honest and open communication” (bell hooks). In doing this work, we honor the knowledges we have inherited from our ancestors around conception, pregnancy, birth, and parenting. These roots - these physical, spiritual, communal, and political roots - are the foundation for our doula work.

what we do

Two doulas standing by an altar with wooden boxes, candles, and photos covering it. One doula has on a brown shirt and a hat. The other has on a black shirt. Both have masks. Two more doulas are standing behind them talking.

Build Community for Black/Afro-Diasporic full-spectrum Doulas

When we asked Black doulas what they were looking for, the first thing they said was “community.” We don’t want to do this work alone. We want to learn from others. We want to process the hard stuff and cry with other doulas. We want to trust the doulas who are backing us up and know that our clients will be loved and cared for. We want to lean on other doulas and birth workers so that our work can be sustainable. We are intentionally building a communal space, a collective.

A  light brown skinned woman holds her young baby. She's holding his hand in hers and looking at him with love and affection.

offer doula services to black communities

We offer full-spectrum doula services to Black/ Afro-diasporic pregnant, birthing, and postpartum people. Full-spectrum means we provide support for all possible pregnancy experiences - abortion, miscarriage, stillbirth, and live birth - as well as the postpartum period after each of these experiences. We also have doulas equipped to support NICU stays and infant loss. We provide education, advocacy, resources, referrals, and connections to other practitioners.

We often have grant funds available to cover a portion of the cost of doula services for clients who are unable to cover the entire fee. Payment plans are also available.